ILJ ONLINE ARTICLES These publications are designed and formatted for reading on the web or for reading with Adobe Acrobat. Some exist as downloadable files in more traditional word
processing format (see list of downloadable items below). The following documents are
currently available for online reading.
- Compendium of Standards for Indigent Defense Systems, available through the Office of Justice Programs website, presents national, state, and local standards relating to five functions of indigent defense.
- Operation Cooperation reports on a national initiative, supported by the U.S. Department of Justice, to encourage teamwork and public/private partnerships between law enforcement and private security. [View with Adobe Acrobat.] See also the supporting literature review and profiles of sample partnerships around the country.
- 1998 Session Laws: Domestic
Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Assault Legislation
- State Sexual Assault
Legislation, 1998 (Table)
- Domestic Violence Legislation
Affecting Police and Prosecutor Responsibilities in the United States: Inferences from a
50-State Review of State Statutory Codes. This working paper reviews state legislation
on domestic violence and stalking. It is also available for download.
- 1997 Domestic Violation
Legislation Review is an update on legislation reviewed in the original Domestic
Violence Legislation paper. A table and summary analysis chronical the legislative changes
made in 1997. The document is also available in MS Word 7.0 format in ILJ's download list.
- Review of State Sexual Assault
Laws, 1997 provides a legislative table and comments on the current status of selected
sexual assault legislation in the United States. The document is also available in MS Word
7.0 format in ILJ's download list.
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