Downloadable Publications Available
from ILJ [General Information: The
articles or reports listed below are primarily formatted in Word for Windows. Most
Windows-based word processors will translate the text, as will the Mac Word for Windows.
In addition, each file has been zipped to reduce size. Generally, the files were zipped
with Nico Mak's WinZip. Where a zipped file includes complex multiple files, simple
"Readme" text files have been included to explain the file relationships. If you
have any problems downloading the files with your browser, you may also use FTP software
to get the documents from ILJ's FTP site ( The approximate size of the
electronic file follows the document description.]
- Criminal
Justice System Simulation Model, CJSSIM: Criminal Justice System Simulation Model
User Manual, J.T. McEwen, Institute for Law and Justice, Alexandria, VA, 1992. The
criminal justice simulation model is designed to simulate budget, time, and resource usage
in a criminal justice system. It was developed under the auspices of the Bureau of Justice
Assistance. This is an executable program designed to operate in a Windows environment.
The manual and instructions are included in a Word for Windows 2.0 file. (440K)
- Gang
Enforcement, Gang Enforcement Problems and Strategies: National Survey Findings,
published in Journal of Gang Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, National Gang Crime Research
Center, Chicago State University, Chicago, IL. Federally sponsored surveys of 149 police
departments and 118 prosecutors' offices examined the problems and strategies of law
enforcement agencies in combating gangs. (22K)
- Juvenile
Corrections, Juvenile Correctional Industries: A Review of Federal and State
Legislative Issues, report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (OJJDP), U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, 1994. This report assesses
the applicability of Federal law regulating interstate transport of prison-made goods to
juvenile correctional industries. Also included is information about developing new
industries programs from a survey conducted in 20 states. (79K)
- Use of
Juvenile Records in Criminal Court, Prosecutor and Criminal Court Use of Juvenile
Court Records: A National Study, report by Neal Miller and Tom McEwen to the National
Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington,
DC (August 1996). This study examines the relationship between juvenile and adult serious
crime and the current practices for using juvenile records in adult court to distinguish
between adult first offenders with or without juvenile criminal histories. (158K)
- Research
Needs for Computer Crime, draft summary report, (electronic conference), S. McQuade
and J.T. McEwen, Institute for Law and Justice (for NIJ), Alexandria, VA, 1996.
Participants in an electronic conference were asked to provide their ideas for potential
NIJ-funded research in computer crime. Computer crime is a serious problem in this country
and world wide. Loss estimates range in the millions each year based on any of the several
definitions. In responding to this request, participants touched on topics such as: the
extent of computer crimes, difficulties with definitions reflecting on the nature of
computer crime, weaknesses in the provisions and application of selected federal and state
statutes, and reluctance by corporations to report computer crimes due to lack of computer
literacy and training in many police departments as well as failure to tie computer
evidence and related investigations to traditional procedures and priorities. (23K)
- Police Use of
Force, National Data Collection on Police Use of Force, a report prepared by
Tom McEwen for the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Institute of Justice,
U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC (February 1996). Most of what is known about
the incidence of police use of force in this country is a result of projects funded by NIJ
and BJS over the last 20 years. The basic problem has been a lack of routine, national
systems for collecting data on incidents in which police use force during the normal
course of duty and on the extent of excessive force. This report describes federal efforts
and approaches to overcoming the difficulties of past data collection efforts. Subsequent
annual reports will provide results from these federally funded activities. (52K)
- Use of
DNA Evidence, Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use
of DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial, research report by Ed Connors, Tom
Lundregan, Neal Miller, and Tom McEwen, commissioned by the National Institute of Justice,
U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC (June 1996). This report highlights the
importance and utility of DNA evidence and presents current challenges to the justice and
scientific communities seeking to advance the use of this forensic tool. (585K, in Acrobat
PDF format)
- Urban
Street Gang Enforcement Operations Manual. This publication, funded by the Bureau
of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC (September 1995),
provides technical assistance for police departments and law enforcement organizations in
the areas of gang suppression, interagency collaboration, application of special
regulations and laws, and data collection and analysis. Using automated intelligence and
innovative application of civil and criminal law, police agencies can inhibit the criminal
influence of gangs. The manual includes a selective bibliography of other resources on
criminal gangs. (230K)
- Review of
State Legislation on Domestic Violence is a work-in-progress paper on the current
status of domestic violence, stalking, and related laws in the 50 states. The paper is in
a zipped set of Word 6.0 files. The exhibits are in separate word documents included in
the zipped file. The maps are in windows bitmap form.
- Review of
1997 State Legislation on Domestic Violence contained in two files. See the Readme.txt
file for the contents.
- Review of
Selected State Legislation on Sexual Assault contained in two files. See the
Readme.txt file for the contents.