Project Management

Expert Training and TA Teams

ILJ works closely with our clients to select, support, and manage the right team of experienced staff and consultants for each training and TA project. We maintain an extensive consultant pool of experts, including

  • Leading practitioners in policing, prosecution, corrections, and all other criminal justice and public safety areas, including homeland security, private security, and crime victim advocacy
  • Academic experts in criminal justice research and evaluation
  • Specialists in information technology, legal issues, community organizing, and other fields, depending on project objectives.

Project Management Systems

ILJ has all of the administrative experience, information management systems, and quality control procedures needed to support large-scale TA and training projects.

  • The TA plans we develop for our clients contain detailed information on each TA assignment—requesting party, objectives, scope of work, staff resources, budget, timeline, and more.
  • Existing tracking and monitoring systems can be adapted to new projects, saving time and expense at project start-up.
  • Client satisfaction is monitored and assessed for all training and TA delivered. ILJ also has the in-house expertise to conduct more sophisticated evaluations of TA and training outcomes.
  • Requests for TA and training are always carefully researched and assessed, then matched with providers and methods according to need and budget.

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