Collaboration, Coordination, and Teambuilding
Coordination as a Sustainability Strategy (Training curriculum)
Institute for Law and Justice (2008). Institute for Law and Justice. This curriculum was developed for the U.S. Department of Justice, Community Capacity Development Office to help programs better coordinate their efforts, maximize impact, and help sustain the benefit to communities achieved, and to understand the processes and tools necessary for coordinating justice initiatives. Contact ILJ for more information.
Evaluation of the Locally Initiated Research Partnership Program
McEwen, Tom (2003). Prepared for the National Institute of Justice, this report is a comprehensive review of the Locally Initiated Research Partnerships (LIRP) program, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) to promote sound research and program evaluations as policing agencies continued to develop community policing. The program sponsored 39 research projects that represented partnerships between police departments and universities or other research organizations.
Pickett Institute Curriculum: Building Capacity for Community-Based Strategic Planning
Institute for Law and Justice (2002). In partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Office of Justice Program’s Statewide Community Initiative, the Pickett Institute was created to encourage and enable criminal justice practitioners to use research in their planning efforts and directly apply this research to work in the field and impact local and State strategies. Contact ILJ for more information.