Community Policing

Most police departments today are engaged in community policing, but very few consider their organization’s transformation to community policing to be complete.  ILJ offers a full range of services to support community policing.

Organizational Change to Community Policing.  ILJ conducts national research projects on community policing and organizational change; and we help individual police departments and local government facilitate strategic planning processes with community groups.

Best Practices.  Over the past 20 years, ILJ has conducted many case studies on community policing.  Recently, we documented 250 police agencies’ community policing practices for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U. S. Department of Justice (see “Innovations in Community Policing:  Reports from the Field”).

Training and Technical Assistance.  ILJ works with national policing organizations, the U.S. Department of Justice, and other partners to provide training and technical assistance for enhancing community policing.

Research Partnerships.  ILJ may be available to team with your police department as research or evaluation partner.  We welcome opportunities to explore how we can help you improve the effectiveness of your community policing practices.