1. Indiana Code § 16-21-8-5
conditions payment of medical exam expenses by the Victim Services Division to where crime
is reported within 48 hours of occurrence and victim cooperates with police. This
provision is separate from the bar to billing victims in § 16-21-8-6. 2.
Kansas statutes § 38-1692 applies only to convicted juveniles.
3. Maine law 30-A § 287(b) limits state payment of medical
costs to where the victim has no insurance coverage.
4. Massachusett's Victim Compensation Law Ch. 258C § 1,2 (f)
authorizes payment for rape victims.
5. Minnesota Statutes § 609.35 explicitly requires insurance
payments where there is coverage.
6. Mississippi law § 99-37-25, as amended in 1997, authorizes
payment of costs for noninsured and costs not covered by insurance. Payment must be
approved by district attorney. Defendant restitution order upon conviction is authorized
7. Nebraska law § 13-607 authorizes payment of victims
"out-of-pocket" expenses. See also §81-2010.03 (state police).
8. Ohio Code § 2921.22(6) exempts rape victim counselors from
the requirement to report all crimes to law enforcement.
8. Pennsylvania Statutes Title 42 § 1726.1 authorizes treating
hospitals to seek insurance payments; no costs charged to victim.
10 Rhode Island law § 23-17-26 prohibits any discussion of
treatment payment prior to treatment unless delay presents no risk to health.
11. South Dakota Century code § 22-22-26 provides for defendant
restitution to county upon conviction.
12. Wyoming law § 6-2-309 provides for reimbursement to victim of
medical costs and defendant reimbursement to the county for medical examination costs paid
by the county. |