This project was supported by Grant No. 96-WT-NX-0007 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
This paper is part of larger project evaluating grants to prosecutors and police under the STOP grant program set up by the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. The paper was designed to help with the evaluations of local projects be explaining what police and prosecutors are required to do under state law. The National Institute of Justice also had a few questions about state statutes. At the same time, the opportunity presented itself to compare different statutory schemes and draw out what appear to be the best laws.
This is work in progress. The author and other researchers at the Institute for Law and Justice are very much interested in constructive feedback. This may include new information and interpretations on legislation that we have not yet discovered or understood. Please send critiques and comments to the author, Neal Miller, at
The paper may be downloaded in a zipped set of Word 6.0 files included in Notice that the exhibits and maps are in separate word documents included in the zipped file. The maps are in windows bitmap form and the tables are in individual Word 6.0 files.
Permission is hereby granted for reprinting and dissemination of this report on the condition that appropriate attribution be given to the author, the Institute for Law and Justice, and the National Institute of Justice (funding agency). It should further be noted that this is a working document subject to changes as new laws are enacted or mistakes of ommission and commission are noted and corrected.