Exhibit 7 Footnotes
- Alaska: Rape and other sex crimes, Protective orders, and Victims Rights Acts covered under Domestic violence (24 hours); Stalking covered in Criminal Code (time negligible).
- Arizona: Women’s assault prevention covered in victims & victimology (Victims Rights Acts); Protective orders covered in Domestic violence.
- Arkansas: Women’s assault prevention and Obscene phone calls touched on in other topic areas.
- California: Topics covered total approximately 12 hours and include Domestic violence, Rape and other sex crimes, Stalking, Protective orders, and Victims Rights Acts.
- Colorado: Obscene phone calls, and Stalking covered under Sexual harassment; Protective orders covered under Liabilities (negligible amount of time).
- Connecticut: Respondent would not/could not supply information about hours except Protective orders and Victims Rights Acts.
- Delaware: Protective orders covered under Domestic violence. Thirty-two hours represents mandatory hours—respondent commented that they do well beyond the mandatory—up to 100 hours.
- Florida: Protective orders and Victims Rights Acts covered under Domestic violence.
- Georgia: Protective orders covered under Domestic violence.
- Indiana: State has 2 recruit programs with separate mandated hours—1 for small town marshals require only 240 hours.
- Iowa: Obscene phone calls, Stalking, Protective orders, and Victims Rights Acts all covered together under same topic.
- Kansas: Women’s assault prevention covered in Victims Rights class.
- Kentucky: Protective orders covered under Domestic violence.
- Louisiana: All topics covered under Criminal Code which totals 40 hours.
- Maine: Women’s assault prevention, Obscene phone calls, Stalking, Protective orders, and Victims Rights Acts covered under the topic "Spouse Abuse" (Domestic violence); State has 3 programs for recruits—State 320 hours, Municipal 480 hours, Troopers 920 hours.
- Maryland: Breakdown of hours are not mandated—hours are exclusively at the discretion of each academy.
- Massachusetts: Sexual harassment, Women’s assault prevention, Obscene phone
- Michigan: Rape and other sex crimes, Sexual harassment, Women’s assault prevention, Obscene phone calls, Stalking, and Victims Rights Acts covered in other topics; Protective orders covered under domestic violence.
- Minnesota: State has no academies. MN has an education-based recruit preparatory system offered in 15 different colleges in which recruits must achieve a 2-year degree in criminal justice plus a 12-week skills course. There is a move to make the entry-level a 4-year degree.
- Missouri: State has 5 different mandated programs with varying minimum requirements: 0 hours, 120 hours, 470 hours, 600 hours, and 1000 hours.
- Montana: Sexual harassment, Stalking, and Protective orders are part of 8-hour block that includes domestic abuse, rape, and other sex crimes; Victims Rights Acts touched on in other topics.
- Nebraska: Women’s assault prevention and Stalking covered under the topic Protective Orders.
- New Hampshire: Sexual harassment part of sexual assault training; Protective orders part of Domestic violence
- New Jersey: Stalking covered in Domestic violence; Protective orders covered under Rape and other sex crimes.
- New Mexico: Obscene phone calls touched on in Elements of Crime and Stalking; Protective orders part of Stalking.
- North Dakota: State has 2 recruit programs. Objectives are set and hours vary—minimum hours not relevant, recruits must continue until established objectives are met.
- Ohio: Stalking and Protective orders part of Domestic violence; Victims Rights Acts part of Crisis Intervention.
- Oklahoma: Stalking covered under Domestic violence.
- Oregon: No respondent—survey blank.
- Rhode Island: Rape and other sex crimes and Victims Rights Acts covered under Domestic violence.
- Tennessee: Rape and other sex crimes and Sexual harassment covered as crime; Stalking and Protective orders covered under Domestic violence.
- Texas: Protective orders covered under Family violence (Domestic violence).
- Utah: Rape and other sex crimes, Obscene phone calls, Stalking, and Protective orders covered in Legal Block.
- Vermont: Stalking, Protective orders, and Victims Rights Acts covered under Domestic violence training.
- Virginia: Do not assign minimum hours by topic—use objective criteria to determine success; Domestic violence covered under Family Disputes.
- Washington: Protective orders and Victims Rights Acts covered under Domestic violence.
- West Virginia: Obscene phone calls included as part of Criminal Law class; Protective orders covered in Domestic violence.