Our Experience

Events produced by ILJ range from national conferences to small focus groups.  In the past 15 years, we have managed more than 650 conferences, meetings, and training events nationwide. 

Representative clients.  ILJ has managed the Professional Conference Series (PCS) contract with the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), since 1990, having been selected as PCS contractor three times, each time through a competitive process.   We have also produced conferences and meetings for many other DOJ agencies, state and local government, and professional associations like the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Events produced by ILJ include

Speakers and participants have included many of the country’s foremost criminal justice policy makers, researchers, and practitioners; community representatives; and government leaders.

Topics covered at ILJ-produced events represent a full range of criminal justice concerns—policing, homeland security, research and evaluation methods, private security, violence against women, sentencing and corrections, forensic use of DNA, gangs, drugs, and many others.