Under a cooperative agreement between the U. S. Departments of Justice and Housing and Urban Development, ILJ administered the Community Policing in Public Housing (CPPH) consortium. The CPPH consortium consisted of ILJ, the International City/County Management Association; National Center for Community Policing of Michigan State University, and Police Executive Research Forum (PERF).
In this project, the CPPH consortium designed a unique training experience that allowed workshop attendees to actually experience and work with community policing strategies. Workshop attendees were given an opportunity to perform exercises with team members to solve specific problems in their own jurisdictions and to engage the community in the implementation of community policing in public housing. The groups covered the following topics:
- Community team building
- Components of community policing
- Problem solving techniques
- Resident empowerment
- Service orientation
- Community policing implementation process.
The training was designed to be specific to the individual needs of the jurisdictions represented at the workshops. Participants were required to bring relevant data regarding crime, resources, and problems to the workshop. Each team left the two and one-half day workshop with an implementation plan for their jurisdiction. In addition, follow-up technical assistance has been made available to the teams.