The City of Portland and the Portland Police Bureau have been recognized nationally for more than a decade for their leadership in community policing. In 1998, ILJ was selected to help the Bureau "take community policing to the next level in the 21st Century." Over a three-month period, ILJ facilitated 42 separate focus groups, which included nearly 470 participants. These participants represented all ranks and functions in the Bureau; other city agencies; public officials; business; groups representing the diversity of populations in Portland; national experts; police officials from other jurisdictions; and many others. In addition, the work included review of extensive background materials, including existing strategic plans, recent community and employee surveys, crime and workload statistics, demographic data, and other reports and materials. In addition to a comprehensive future plan for policing services in the city, study products included separate reports on each category of focus group and a special report on demographic trends in the Portland metro area.