This staffing and resource allocation study for the Montgomery County, Maryland, Police Department involved extensive data collection and analysis to (1) determine current staffing requirements and (2) develop a methodology for future staffing and resource allocation. ILJ completed the following tasks:
Researched and reviewed all laws, regulations, procedures, and directives that mandated the responsibilities of the police department. Identified all functions the department was required to perform and the services that were actually performed.
Identified activities and functions that could be delivered through alternative methods, such as:
- Contracting out
- Using civilians in place of sworn officers
- Adopting new technologies
- Modifying procedures
- Delegating to other agencies
- Restructuring services
Recommended the most efficient organizational structure to manage the functions and responsibilities identified.
Developed a methodology for determining staffing levels and allocating all personnel within the department by function, rank, and classification for the most efficient and effective delivery of services to the public. In developing the methodology recommended to the department, ILJ considered such variables as:
- Accepted national standards for operational levels
- County demographics and special populations
- Police response time
- Crime patterns, trends, and departmental demographics
- Department's existing service levels
The methodology was applied to patrol and allowed for reallocating personnel resources based on changing demands and workload. The final report was fully accepted by the county executive and council, who implemented most of the staffing recommendations.