National Survey of Community Policing Training for NIJ

This project, conducted in 1997 and sponsored by the U. S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice (NIJ), was designed to help determine the "state of the art" of community policing training nationwide. The project involved mail and telephone surveys in jurisdictions with populations of 50,000 or more and included inquiries about audiences for community policing training (recruits, patrol officers, supervisors and managers, and others); training delivery systems (police academies, colleges and universities, law enforcement associations, et al); training topics and curricula; and training needs. A representative national sample of approximately 600 law enforcement agency administrators responded to the mail survey, which covered community policing training for recruits and patrol officers. In addition, about 150 training academy directors responded to a similar survey. Many respondents provided course outlines and curricula for review. Senior researchers and law enforcement trainers also conducted telephone surveys covering community policing training for supervisors and managers. Approximately 150 police departments that are implementing community policing department-wide were selected for this telephone survey. The project was assisted by a national advisory group of experts in community policing training and survey research.