In 1986, 1989, and again in 1993, ILJ administered the National Assessment Program (NAP) for the National Institute of Justice. The NAP is a comprehensive effort to determine the key needs and problems of criminal justice agencies nationwide. ILJ distributed over 3,000 detailed questionnaires to heads of law enforcement, prosecution, courts, corrections, and victim services agencies in 350 jurisdictions. ILJ examined innovative criminal justice programs that address the needs identified in the survey. Several of the 1989 survey findings were published as Research in Action products. The final report on the results of the 1993 surveys has been submitted to the National Institute of Justice.
In 1986, the contract called for ILJ to conduct "quick studies" for the staff of NIJ. The duration of these projects lasted from one month to one year and included a survey and manual on police employee drug testing, a survey of law enforcement's use of microcomputers, an evaluation of police efforts in public housing, and a study of dedicated computer crime units.