For the National Institute of Justice, ILJ conducted a study of the implications of judicial organization for court performance. The objectives of the project were to assess the degree to which court reform has produced integrated organizational structures, and to assess the consequences of organizational structure on trial court performance. The study was carried out in five states that differ in the degree to which their judiciaries conform to the attributes of a unified court system. The states were Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, and New Jersey. The data were drawn from aggregate statistics from each state, court documents, secondary reports, and structured face-to-face interviews with state and local officials. The empirical inquiry centered on the state court administrator's office and a sample of over 100 trial courts drawn from the five states. Results of the study were published in 1980 as A Comparative Study of State Court Organization (N. Miller, R. Guynes, T. Henderson, and C. Baar).