Victim Assistance Training
In recent years, local governments have become aware of a
need to be more responsive to crime victims. ILJ has developed the following training
materials to increase the awareness of law enforcement agencies in the area of victim
needs and to provide practical suggestions for improving victims' experiences with the
criminal justice system.
- "Training Key" for the International Association
of Chiefs of Police. ILJ prepared Police Victim Assistance for distribution to police
officers nationwide as part of the IACP's "Training Key" series. It provides
specific suggestions to patrol officers on meeting victims' needs, includes background
information on victims' crisis reactions, and discusses federal and state resources for
victim assistance.
- Victim Assistance Training Manual for the National Sheriffs'
Association. ILJ created a comprehensive Victim Assistance Program Guide and Training
Manual for NSA. The manual is designed to help law enforcement practitioners involve
community crime prevention groups such as Neighborhood Watch in assisting crime victims.
The publication explains basic victim needs and expectations, presents crisis intervention
techniques, explains how to assess community needs and resources, and includes a
step-by-step training session that law enforcement officers can use with community crime
prevention groups.