In November 2000, the Institute for Law and Justice, Inc. (ILJ) received a grant to conduct the national evaluation of the Grants to Combat Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus Program (hereafter referred to as “Campus Program”), which is funded by the National Institute of Justice.  The Campus Program is designed to encourage institutions of higher education to adopt comprehensive, coordinated responses to violence against women, including sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence.  The program, originally authorized under the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, was reauthorized in the Violence Against Women Act of 2000.  Congress appropriated $11 million to the Campus Grant Program for fiscal year 2001.

Schools that applied for funding were required, at a minimum, to propose to create a coordinated community response, provide training for campus police, develop education and prevention programs, and train disciplinary board members.

Minimum Requirements for Campus Grantees

Program Requirement
Coordinated community
Create a multidisciplinary response to violence against women on campus that involves the entire campus and the community in which the campus is located.
Prevention and
education programming
Establish a mandatory prevention and educated program about violence against women for all incoming students.
Campus police
Train campus police to respond effectively in sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking cases.
Disciplinary board training
Training campus disciplinary board members to respond effectively to violence against women charges.  Board members, including faculty, staff, students, and administrators, should receive violence against women training prior to hearing cases involving these issues.

The methodology for the three-year evaluation project originally contained three-stages; national needs assessment, process evaluation, and an impact evaluation.  However, the methodology is currently under revision.  Process evaluations of all 38 FY1999 and FY2000 grantees are still being conducted.  Information regarding the process evaluation is available and the full methodology will be posted as soon as it is complete.