Completed Conferences
Through these workshops COPS offered MORE grantees the opportunity to learn more about technology planning, acquisition, implementation, program compliance, and assessment. Key topics include: Strategic IT Planning for Community Policing, Writing RFPs and Other Procurement Options, How Technology Drives Organizational Change, Information Technology Implementation Challenges, Dealing with IT Vendors, Project Management Techniques, and Getting Technical Assistance. Examples of technologies covered include: computer assisted dispatch, records management systems, automated booking, laptops (hard- and software), Internet use, crime analysis/mapping, and more.
Southern Region; |
Hyatt Regency, Austin, TX |
Feb. 28-29, 2000 |
Western Region; |
Marriott Mission Valley, San Diego, CA. |
Apr. 10-11, 2000 |
Northeast Region; |
Marriott Newton (Boston), MA |
May 1-2, 2000 |
Midwest Region |
Chicago (Northbrook), IL |
June 19-20, 2000 |
Southeast Region |
Washington, DC |
July 31-August 1, 2000 |
Continuing Distance Learning
The COPS office has continued supporting these topics with Distance Learning for information technology acquisition. More about these efforts may be found on ILJ's Training page.
Course Materials
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